Manage your Films, Music and TV-Series on harddisk. With Webinterface to manage and stream your media in LAN.
Main features:
- add your films/movies each stored in a folder on multible hard-disks and or folders
- IMDB-Loader Internet Movie Database( tool to get additional data for your films
- IMDB-Storyloader - show story for selected film from IMDB
- File-Properties loads size(width,height), duration from moviefile and store it
- Play movie, opens the standard player for fileformat installed on your system, if your film is stored in a image file(img,iso) TMP mount it with Daemon-Tools
- Open directory/folder - opens the directory where film is stored in
- Edit all information TMP stored
- Export to Excel - export your movieinfo to an MS - Excelfile(MS Excel must be installed)
- XML - save all information in a XML-File stored in moviefolder
- stream with VLC